Speaker to discuss war, terrorism

By Tonia Moxley  381-1643 Oct 15, 2004  0 381-1643


The Islamic Center of Blacksburg South Main Street will offer many activities throughout the Holy Month of Ramadan:

Muslims are welcome to break their fast each day after Maghreb prayer at the center.

There will be a conference call-style talk every Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday by Sheikh Al-Harith from Kuwait before Witr prayer.

There will be a weekly Fiqh Halaqa about Siam for women and girls from 11 a.m.-noon every Wednesday and a weekly Tajweed Halaqa for them at noon every Wednesday.

Regular Friday prayer will be as usual: 12:30 p.m. at Squires Student Center, Virginia Tech, and 1:30 p.m. at the center.

The center will also sponsor a Ramadan competition that will include prizes. For more information, to arrange adults and kids memorizing sessions for Halaqa or Tajweed sessions for non-Arabic speakers send send e-mail to or


Islamic activities. Friday prayer with speech, 1:30 p.m., Islamic Center of Blacksburg, 106-C Southpark Drive. Also on Friday at the center, Tajweed Halaqa forArabic Speakers will follow Maghreb prayer, which begins at 8:35 p.m. Saturday weekly lecture with a live phone conference with Sheikh Al-Hareth from Kuwait beginning at 9:15 p.m., followed by question and answer period. On Sunday, Tajwwed Halaqa for non-Arabic speakers will follow Zohr prayer, which begins at 1:30 p.m. Women-only activities are listed at Children and adults memorizing Halaqas should contact Sheikh Mohamed Gebaly at or call 953-4622.


   Islamic activities. Friday, 12:30 p.m. at Squires Student Center and 1:30 p.m. at Islamic Center of Blacksburg. Islamic khotba followed by prayer service. On Saturday, Maghreb prayer is at 5:05 p.m.; Halaqa (lecture) will follow. Attendees are asked to bring refreshments. Adults and children memorizing Halaqas should contact the imam at or Events are open to the public, but visitors are asked to follow a dress code and code of etiquette. Details: 953-4622 or